Campus security and safety managers are challenged with meeting complex security, safety and incident related processes and procedures. Guard tour systems like FlexPatrol have proven there worth in many environments from Cold Storage, Large Industrial, Malls Security and many other venues. Another example is from the Medical field where Compliance to Joint Commission standards is a critical component.

– Effective and accurate reporting is crucial to operation efficiency.
Like many other facilities, The Joint Commission considers these Hospitals “defend in place” operations so critical that security, life safety and process inspections include “elements of performance” that are reviewed during audits. Healthcare and Campus facilities are required to clearly display consistent patterns of inspection compliance, documentation and deficiency correction.
FlexPatrol™ Security & Safety provides a powerful mobile data collection solution for administrators seeking to manage and automate their fire life safety elements of performance including effective corrective action documentation of deficiencies.
FlexPatrol™ Campus Security & Safety is a powerful Android™ or iOS™ based mobile software tool for security, fire life safety and facility managers for automating mobile inspections, tours and incident reporting. With optional bundles these modules can be combined together in one easy to implement paperless data collection system.
FlexPatrol™ is designed for reliable mobile use in the field utilizing Android™ or iOS™ devices with imbedded barcode scanners or RFID tags to collect data. User defined locations or assets with bar codes/NFC tags are read using the mobile phones/ tablets to validate location and prompt question sets for complex or simple inspections.
FlexPatrol™ is configured so that customer defined standard operating procedures can be followed during inspections. Daily, monthly or annual inspections, security, environmental tours, incident reporting, work order requests are handled with one user customer configurable system.

FlexPatrol™ Security and Safety is ideal for any and all of these inspection missions:

All these inspections can be customized to your needs.
Security Tours
Staff/patient escorts
Lobby checks
Office lockout
Housekeeping audits
Elevator checks
Emergency phone checks
Video camera checks
Lab checks
Generator checks
Fire Door, Risers/Valves
Extinguisher checks
Maintenance work order requests
Parking violations
Incident reporting – Who, What, Where, When
Environmental audit tours
FlexPatrol™ daily activity logs and exception reports demonstrate the affirmative activity of security organizations while liability issues are reduced by structured and standardized recording of the incident and measurable proactive activities of your security and safety organization. Incident information reported from the field is configured to seamlessly flow into incident management systems while insuring accurate and complete information is collected in field. Additional features give users other powerful benefits that include:
Logically driven or Decision tree logic.
Default answers are validated, automated exception reports are configured and sent to managers for review.
Incident drop down menus insure fast and accurate prompts including who, what and where facts.
Corrective action notifications automatically alert facility, maintenance, housekeeping department uncovered issues.
Android™ or iOS™ devices provide an array of capture devices.
The Joint Commission Elements of Performance revisions introduced tougher requirements for healthcare fire and life safety inspections. FlexPatrol™ can help you meet these new requirements with the assurance that you are in full compliance.

FlexPatrol™ AED Inspections Video

FlexPatrol™ Safety & Security - AED Inspection

FlexPatrol™ Vehicle Inspection

FlexPatrol™ EH&S Mobile Fire Extinguisher Inspection - ABC